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ABOUT the dancer...

Bridgette Porter Stubbs has been a liturgical dancer since 1997.  She began to understand her ministry in dance around 2003.  This is when she acknowledged that she was in fact a Dance Minister. 


After understanding that she ministers in dance,  another phase of her understanding began to surface.  Bridgette identifies that she is a prophetic dancer as well.  As she began to walk in God given assignments, she not only operates as a Dance Minister, but also a Teacher of Liturgics (teaching the art of public worship through dance). 


Now as a published author, writing "Flowing Under the Shadow of the Almighty", and the 2nd book, the "Youth Version", her passion for dancing and teaching the art of public worship has birthed these guides to teach and inspire dancers all over the world how to effectively dance under God's anointing.



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